Smart Exchange Locker

El Smart Exchange Locker de Hussmann ha sido descontinuado y ya no está disponible para su compra.
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El Smart Exchange Locker para la Industria de venta de alimentos
La conveniencia que los compradores desean y la flexibilidad de en dónde y cuándo recoger sus productos, ahora es mucho más fácil… con el Smart Exchange Locker de Hussmann – los expertos en la industria en la venta de alimentos refrigerados.
Smart Exchange Locker Experience

Smart Exchange Locker in the News
Automercado opens a store in Costa Rica with lockers to collect products without entering the store.
Smart Exchange Locker Resources
Hussmann eGrocery
Hussmann eGrocery provides solutions to optimize your operations and increase your customer satisfaction.Learn More. Hussmann eGrocery -
StoreConnect leak detection system complies with the CARB definition of an Automatic Refrigerant Leak Detection system under the regulation for the management of high Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants.Learn More. StoreConnect